Social Isolation and Loneliness Brochure – Digital version
Informational brochure for the public to learn more about social isolation and loneliness, their effects and what to do about it.
To fight social isolation and loneliness, we need support. Fortunately, there are numerous resources and tools that can help us educate and deal with this type of situation whether it is with our loved ones, patients, community, or even ourselves. Here are some valuable sources of information so you can better educate yourself about social isolation and loneliness and have the tools you need to minimize and fight it.
Informational brochure for the public to learn more about social isolation and loneliness, their effects and what to do about it.
Informational poster that you can print or share with information on the subject.
Informational poster that you can print or share with information on the subject.
Informational brochure for health professionals that will help them learn how to measure the level of social isolation and where they can seek help for their patients.
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Informational brochure for health professionals that will help them learn how to measure the level of social isolation and where they can seek help for their patients.
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You can use these materials as tools to create awareness of social isolation and loneliness. You will have the option to download an editable file if you want to include your logo in the art.
Learn how it affects the workplace and what you can do to improve it.
Learn facts about how connecting with others can improve our health.
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The holiday season is a time of joy for many, but for others, it can be when they feel even more lonely. That’s why each of us needs to be mindful of our seniors and others we may ...
Having a social life to avoid feeling lonely is important for your health. Maintaining stronger ties with the people around you can help minimize the risk of suffering from certain physical ...
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By Dr. José Novoa, Triple-S Chief Medical Officer Is there social isolation in Puerto Rico? And loneliness? Does it prevail more in towns with older adults, or is it higher in adolescents? ...
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We always suggest talking with your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms or conditions in your physical and mental health. However, we also urge healthcare providers to employ a ...
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Socializing is not easy for many people, and working remotely has made it even more challenging for them and for everyone in general. This is the reason isolation in the workplace has ...
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Cuando hables con tu paciente, pregúntale también sobre sus relaciones interpersonales, la frecuencia de su relación con amigos y familiares, su sentimiento de soledad. Podrías ayudarle ...
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Connecting with family, friends, and acquaintances is one of the best and most comforting sensations. It is also a strategy to counteract social isolation and loneliness while helping you ...
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According to a 2020 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), more than one third of adults aged 45 and older feel lonely. The NASEM report ...
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We all need to have social connections in order to stay physically and mentally healthy. However, some factors can make us vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation, such as the ...
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Our rate is higher than that in Maine, the state with the largest number of people aged 65 or older. It is even higher than in Florida, the second state with the most significant amount of ...
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Scientific data shows that social isolation harms our physical health and can even increase our likelihood of premature death by 29%. Social isolation means maintaining few relationships or ...
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Before the pandemic struck, the worldwide impact of social isolation and loneliness had been identified among teenagers, adults, and older adults. There is evidence that the social ...
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Feelings of loneliness can have serious effects on our physical and mental health. These health risks are also associated with social isolation. This is why it is always advisable to ...
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Humans are social beings. Our nature compels us to establish relationships with others to form social ties and communities. When this need goes unmet, it leads to what we know as social ...
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Social isolation and loneliness are increasingly recognized as important problems that negatively affect health. Individuals with strong social bonds are 50% less likely to die prematurely ...
Weak social connections can cause a significant danger to our physical health. This context led Triple-S to create a comprehensive platform and start the conversation through the First ...
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy addresses our nation's loneliness and isolation crisis and the healing effects of social connection
The SOCIAL Framework in the WEL Sector
Find information, resources, and strategies to promote social engagement in your community.
Use this free national service to find local resources for older adults.
View and share these ACL resources to help older adults stay connected.
Read about loneliness and social isolation as a public health issue.
Social media publications
Ideal content to share on your social media platforms with the purpose of creating awareness about social isolation and loneliness among your family, friends and the community in general.
Sharing them is easy. Just download any of the files in this section and share it on your social platforms with the Text for the post. You will have the option to download an editable file if you want to include your logo in the art.
One of the greatest antidotes to loneliness is service
Text to accompany the post:When we help our communities, we create bonds that help us meet new people, socialize, and feel better about ourselves.
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When we have great connections in our lives, we can achieve extraordinary things
Text to accompany the post:With the love, trust, and exposure that good relationships can give us, we can achieve anything we set out to do in life.
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1 of 2 adults struggle with loneliness, but the number is so much higher among young adults
Text to accompany the post:Let's strengthen relationships outside of social media to avoid falling into depression and social isolation.
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We are designed to exist in relationships with one another, when we don’t have that we feel it’s critical for survival
Text to accompany the post:Interpersonal relationships are essential in our lives. When was the last time you talked to a family member, friend or acquaintance?
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How can we start the change against social isolation?
Text to accompany the post:How can we start the change against social isolation? Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, Surgeon General of the United States, recommended the following during the Triple-S Foundation's Boosting Social Connection and Health in Puerto Rico event
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Adultos Afectados por la Soledad
Text to accompany the post:El aislamiento social y la soledad ocurren más comúnmente de lo que pensamos. Si identificas síntomas de aislamiento social en ti o un ser querido, consulta con tu médico o profesional de la salud. #SocializarEsSaludable
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El Riesgo de Demencia
Text to accompany the post:De las mejores decisiones que podemos tomar por nuestra salud es buscar la compañía de otros. Minimizar el aislamiento social y la soledad nos ayuda a prevenir condiciones serias de salud. #SocializarEsSaludable
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Riesgo de Reducir la Expectativa de Vida
Text to accompany the post:Para vivir más, recuerda socializar. El aislamiento social y la soledad pueden tener consecuencias serias sobre nuestra salud física y mental. #SocializarEsSaludable
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Vínculos Sociales Débiles
Text to accompany the post:El aislamiento social y la soledad traen consigo factores de riesgo considerables para nuestra salud física y mental. Procura mantener buenos vínculos con la gente que te rodea y recuerda que #SocializarEsSaludable.
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Text to accompany the post:El aislamiento social y la soledad pueden afectar tu salud. Compartir regularmente con otras personas ayuda a fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico y reducir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares.
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Watch TV
Text to accompany the post:Actividades solitarias por tiempo prolongado pueden hacer sentir aislado. El aislamiento social y la soledad aumentan en 50% el riesgo de demencia, por lo que es importante para tu salud tener conexiones sociales. Invita a tus amigos a disfrutar de tus programas favoritos.
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Text to accompany the post:Cuando aprovechas bien tu tiempo en las redes sociales, aumentas tu actividad social y creas conexiones con otras personas. Esto ayudar a minimizar el riesgo de padecer condiciones como hipertensión y diabetes. Es importante que tengas una vida social que te haga sentir acompañado.
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Text to accompany the post:Saca tiempo para las cosas que te gustan, pero no te olvides de socializar. Tener una vida social que te haga sentir acompañado te ayuda a minimizar el riesgo de condiciones como ansiedad y depresión.
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