How to request a grant?
Learn everything you need to know about the grant application process. Here is a step-by-step guide for before, during, and after the grant application process.
Grant Process
Our competitive grants program is strategic and responsive to the ever-changing needs of Puerto Rico. We fund projects that work to improve the quality of life in our service area and support collaboration among the nonprofit sectors.
Our goal is to reduce the impact of the adverse social determinants of health to achieve better health and clinical outcomes, through improving access to care and integrating complementary services to vulnerable. Foundation prioritizes food security and mental health initiatives.
Learn about Triple-S Foundation
Reach out
You or a representative of your organization should contact our staff to share ideas, ask and answer questions, and receive feedback. Contact us at 787-775-4278 for a meeting.
Await Grants Team review
Our staff will review the applications received and share eligibility criteria with board members and other community experts. The grants team reviews the applications and makes funding recommendations. Be sure to include all documents required.
Receive confirmation
The Board of Directors approved the final awards. We share funding decision prior to any public announcement. You will receive a formal notification via email.
Collaborative agreement
Triple S Foundation will prepare an Agreement that specifies the terms and conditions of the donation and the respective obligations of the grantee.
Donation disbursement
Grantees will receive a full payment in advance through certified mail.
Donation restrictions
Donated funds will be used for specific activities designated by Triple-S Foundation. If your project needs to be extended, change objectives or budget approved, you will submit those changes and wait for a writing approval from Triple-S Foundation.
Triple-S Foundation may require a partial or total funds reimbursement for unauthorized transactions.
Interim and final reports
Grantees will submit an interim report at the first six (6) month of project implementation and a final report 30 days after Fundación Triple-S Agreement ends. Reports will include programmatic activities implemented and finance documentation.