Popular 5k Race 2018
Thanks to all our employees who took part in the Popular 5k Race 2018 to benefit Fundación Hospital Pediátrico. Triple-S won the prize of the company with the highest employee participation! The money raised helps improve the quality of life of patients during their hospital stay.
Triple-S Soccer Outreach Program
The Triple-S’ soccer program offered clinics on the importance of sport and good nutrition to over 25,000 children across the island. The goal was to support children through sports and promote healthy lifestyles.
With the support of Triple-S employees, our CEO, Bobby García, participated in the Fit2BeCancerFree challenge of the American Cancer Society of Puerto Rico with the goal of inspiring healthier lifestyles.
United saving lives
United saving lives
Triple-S again said present in Relevo por la Vida Puerto Rico. We won second place in the category of the highest corporate revenue team, Team Gold for fundraising efforts best educational message for “Unidos Salvando Vidas” (United saving lives). We remain committed to battle against cancer.
Cachita’s rhythm and Atención Atención
In December 2018 we brought joy to Aguadilla Hospital El Buen Samaritano’s patients and employees with Cachita from Triple-S Advantage and Atención Atención.
Jala-Jala 2018
Thanks to the Muscular Dystrophy Association for the opportunity to be in the Jala-Jala 2018 event. Special congratulations to our Triple-S Vida teammates who with their usual energy and enthusiasm won first place. Together we are stronger!
Triple-S Golf Tournament 22nd edition
We raised $75,000 in our traditional Golf Tournament!
Triple-S Golf Tournament 22nd edition raised $75.000 and was distributed between the American Society Against Cancer, Muscular Dystrophy Association and United Way of Puerto Rico. Each organization received $25,000. The three non-profit organizations are linked to health-related services and provide support to disadvantaged individuals and communities. Thanks to all our partners for their generosity.
Support and restoration of services to providers
Triple-S helped channel donations of more than $2 million in medical equipment from several organizations in the US. Most of these donations were distributed to hospitals. This collaboration included BlueCross BlueShield Association, Highmark, Brother’s Brother Foundation, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, PACIV Foundation and Luis Garratón, LLC, among others. In additional, in alliance with Assertus, several locations were made available for providers to do their electronic billing. Triple-S also set up temporary offices for medical groups whose offices suffered major damage.
Health Care and Supplies
Hundreds of Triple-S volunteers participated in multiple community outreach initiatives, offering medical care and supplies to isolated communities in 24 municipalities across the island and senior homes and assisted living facilities. They also offered medical services in five Emergency Stop and Go centers, offering basic medical services to patients that were unable to access their doctors after Hurricane Maria.
Innovative Wellness Program
In support of the American Cancer Society’s initiative, Triple-S implemented an Innovative Wellness Program to Achieve Prevention Goals in the Workplace. Its goal is to achieve that 80% of employees get screened for colorectal cancer in 2018. This is the first cause of death from cancer in Puerto Rico. The program is adaptable to other companies and to different prevention goals.